Billboards for Sports Teams
Watching sports, both in-person and at home, has been a popular American pastime for decades. There are a whopping 152 total major league sports teams in the U.S. today (in addition to the variety of minor league teams that have a huge following—for example, over 41 million fans attended minor league baseball games in 2019), and 350 division 1 NCAA teams. This doesn’t include the plethora of division 2 and 3 sports teams that exist at colleges across the U.S. As a sports team, you have a lot of competition for viewers.
With so many different options for a fan to be entertained, how do you get them to choose to watch your game? There are a variety of ways, and one possibility is by using an OOH (out of home) advertisement, like a billboard, to show off your event. Below we’ll show you why this may be the perfect choice for you, and we’ll also show you some effective ways to format your ad.
Why Should You Advertise with an Out of Home Advertisement?
As we mentioned above, you have a lot of competition for views, whether you’re aiming for televised or in-person watch time. Not only are you competing with other sports teams, but you are also competing with other forms of entertainment—ones that are not sports-related but take up a potential customer’s time. You want to make your entertainment option clear for your audience, so advertising away from the clutter of digital advertising can be a great way to differentiate.
Out of home advertising also has lots of proven financial advantages over other formats. For example, billboard advertising has a high ROI (return on investment) rate, standing at a massive 597%. This means that for every dollar you spend on out of home advertising, on average you recoup around $5.97 in revenue!
On top of that, billboard ads also have a relatively low CPM (cost per thousand views) compared to other ad types. While primetime TV, print, and podcast advertisements all have CPMs of around $10-39, bulletins and posters stand at around $2-10.
What Should You Include in Your Advertisement?
There are lots of ways you could format your advertisement, depending on whether you are promoting a televised game or a stadium event. But regardless, there are a few key elements to consider.
First, consider including large and eye-catching images to immediately capture the attention of potential viewers. Whether it’s an image of your sports star, your team logo, or pictures of energized fans, a big image will help create intrigue to look at the rest of your ad, as well as make it easier to remember the ad later.
Also, clearly state only the most essential details on your board. This may include details of when and where to watch, the specific matchup, or any other essential promotions going on related to the game. The 3 second rule is a great way to gage how much info to put on your board: imagine your viewer has only 3 seconds to process everything you put on the ad, and then ask yourself if it needs to be streamlined in any way.
In Conclusion
Act now—check out billboardsin.com today to see the variety of options for out of home advertising in your city!