Client Spotlight: Quality Home Inspections & Cleaning
Joyce Powell is an entrepreneur who is making a living off of her passion for home inspecting and cleaning.
In the past, I covered the business of real estate, but putting a home on the market is only a single part of the process. There’s even more to delve into, such as assessing the overall quality of a home, so let’s take a look at the world of home inspection.
Explaining Home Inspection
The most pertinent question are what is home inspection, and in what circumstances is it necessary?
Home inspection is an important step in the realty process. When someone is looking to buy a home, it’s not a bad idea to have an outside party do an inspection to make sure that everything is in proper order. It’s similar to how accounting firms have auditors come in and make sure that their records are being properly recorded.
During home inspection, a qualified inspector assesses a home’s plumbing, electrical work, water, and sewer systems. The objective is to decide the overall safety and quality of a home that’s on the market. By skipping out on a home inspection, you could end up purchasing a property that’s filled with underlying problems.
If you want to see the home inspection process in action, then definitely check out the new HGTV show called Home Inspector Joe. Seeing the process of a home inspector is very interesting, and it helps give insight into our client that will be discussed next.
Quality Home Inspection & Cleaning
Joyce Powell started her business in 2008 under the name “Quality Home Inspection.” The business is based out of Atlanta, Georgia, and provides service throughout the southeast of the United States. Being a certified field inspector, Powell is able to ensure her clients that they’re receiving the highest quality of service and care.
In 2012, Powell added cleaning to her service options. She has always found cleaning to be a comforting activity, and felt that it would be the perfect addition to her service line-up. Overall, the business now provides inspection and cleaning services for commercial and residential spaces. In addition to cleaning, Powell believes she stays competitive by forming strong, lasting bonds with her clients. Powell’s business is currently servicing a major financial institution across the southeast.
A challenge that Powell has been facing is bringing in new clients. This is actually a problem that’s been happening in the home inspection industry at large. This recent news article highlights the rising prices in the housing market and how that’s been impacting buyers’ decisions to spend time and money on inspections.
To overcome this challenge, Powell has been expanding her advertising methods more. By utilizing BillboardsIn, Powell has her own billboard to promote her business across the local areas. Before this, Powell sent out postcards to attract new people. No matter how big or small the methods, having an ambitious drive is paramount for a successful business.
Powell spoke on some advice for other entrepreneurs, “I will say to other business owners to stay proactive and form relationships with your clients that make a big difference.”