Client Spotlight: TouchedByKiss
Frenchie Boyd is a female entrepreneur who is forging her own path in the world of body sculpting and beauty. This is the story of TouchedByKiss, a beauty brand that was born out of passion and determination during challenging times.
A Life in Shambles
Frenchie hails from Chicago. After receiving body sculpting work in the past, she has always had a passion for the world of beauty and self-image. She became aware of the dangers of body work, though. According to Frenchie, some of the women who get traditional surgery (tummy tucks, lipo 360, etc.) suffer from complications and end up dying.
Frenchie said, “I wanted to figure out a way I could help women achieve their goal body without the surgery and putting their life in jeopardy.”
Around 2020, she described her life as being in shambles. With the uncertainties of the pandemic and the brewing violence inside of Chicago, Frenchie felt that it was time for a change. She packed her bags and headed to Atlanta with her son to live with her friend.
“We needed a new start, we needed a new life, so I just went for it,” Frenchie said.
Starting a New Life and Business
While living in Chicago, Frenchie stumbled upon a page where a woman was performing lymphatic drains after post-op body sculpting surgery. Upon arriving in Atlanta, she learned that another woman was doing something similar but using a method that involved laser light bulbs.
Her friend advised her to go into the body sculpting business since she expressed so much interest in the field.
Frenchie learned of a non-invasive way to perform body sculpting and dove into learning the practice. Frenchie joined a course that also provided her with the equipment to begin her business. She started from the ground up by operating the boutique right out of her home.
Frenchie’s non-invasive body sculpting technique is much different than traditional surgery. TouchedByKiss body sculpting involves no pain or downtime after the procedure; no cuts or incisions are made at any point.
She melts down the fat cells and it comes out in the urine. This is done through ultrasound techniques and laser light bulbs. This process takes about 2-3 inches of fat off of a person’s waist.
Frenchie also offers lift work by placing suction cups on a body for a certain period of time. This can lift the frame of a person’s hips and buttocks, which can enhance the overall body contour.
“There’s a lot of things body contouring companies don’t offer because they’re just getting the job done, but I want to make sure my clients are content and satisfied with their results.”
Outside of body work, Frenchie takes things a step further than other businesses by exercising with her clients after sculpting. After these types of procedures, it’s required that people exercise the same day to help with the breakdown of fat cells. To ensure that people uphold to this, Frenchie offers to perform exercises with them. In addition, she provides a meal prep program as well so that they are on the proper diets.
A full breakdown of her price packages can be found on this page.
Moving Forward
While maintaining TouchedByKiss, Frenchie works as a manager for her friend’s restaurant. At the start, having this balance was essential for creating a sense of financial stability. According to Frenchie, TocuhedByKiss is now at a profitable point, so she plans to transition out of her old job and focus more on her dream of expanding her brand.
Outside of body sculpting, Frenchie wants to branch out into a cosmetic line, a hair line, and body contouring products such as waist trainers.
Before marketing with BillboardsIn, Frenchie would pass out business cards to promote her business. This determination to succeed is what drives the growth of her business, and that attitude can be inspirational to entrepreneurs everywhere.
“No matter what, life is tough, and it throws so many things at us. But it’s up to you to understand that life comes with ups and downs,” Frenchie said. “If you can pick yourself up, then you can achieve whatever you put your mind to.”