
Billboards in Maine

Maine is located in the northernmost east corner of the United States, nicknamed The Pine Tree State and has a population of 1.3 million people. The capital city is Augusta but the largest city is Portland, which is home to 66,000 people. The only state bordering Maine is New Hampshire due to half of the state being on the Atlantic Coast. The major highways serving the state are I-95, I-295, I-395 and I-495. Notable universities in Maine are the University of Maine and University of Southern Maine, which together have over 20,000 students. Maine is also a popular tourist destination because of the many coastal towns like Portland, Brunswick, and Biddeford.
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The soonest your ad can be up is 4/14/2025 - 5/11/2025
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Experts recommend running ads for at least 8 weeks; the minimum is four. Billboard ads typically start on Mondays.
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Markets in Maine

Bangor, Portland, Auburn, Presque Isle, Dexter, Vanceboro, Pittston, Stonington, Kittery Point, Dixmont, Lubec, Knox, Walpole, Bowdoin, Oxbow, ELIOTSVLE TWP, Roxbury, Mt Desert, Holden, East Millinocket, Beals, WILIAMSBG TWP, Searsport, Forest City Township, Cranberry Isles, Caribou, GREENFLD TWP, Monhegan, Lowell, Naples, Waterford, Perham, Palmyra, Litchfield, Freeman Township, Monticello, CARABASET VLY, North Haven, Monmouth, Stockholm, Calais, Sherman Mills, North Vassalboro, Masardis, Embden, Norway, Lee, PITTSTN ACDMY, South Bristol, Surry, WOODLAND WASHINGTON COUNTY, North Waterboro, Upton, Mercer, West Newfield, N NEW PORTLND, Harrington, Somerville, South Portland, Hartland, LORING CM CTR, Woolwich, Bath, Oakfield, Poland, Patten, Unorganized Territory of Perkins, Bridgewater, Harmony, Castle Hill, Limerick, Cambridge, Kents Hill, Marshfield, Plymouth, Charlotte, Carmel, Howland, New Sweden, Paris, Livermore Falls, Newport, Medomak, Eliot, Mt Vernon, Cushing, CAPE ELIZ, Amity, Eastbrook, Lille, Windham, Southeast Piscataquis, Waite, Macwahoc, Alna, Bryant Pond, Falmouth, Bradley, Bradford, Cross Lake Twp, Tremont, Southwest Harbor, Cliff Island, Danforth, Capitol Island, Rumford Center, Brooksville, Fairfield, Edgecomb, Lagrange, Harpswell, Portage Lake, Peru, Oakland, Chesterville, Sebago, GRT DIA IS, Columbia, CRANBERRY IS, Orono, Denmark, Thomaston, Prospect, Washington, NEW GLOUCESTR, Brownfield, Winter Harbor, Phillips, South Thomaston, Carthage, Kittery, Parsonsfield, Rumford, St David, Richmond, Frankfort, Rockland, Milbridge, Steuben, Harrison, Matinicus, Bucksport, CUMBERLND CTR, Vassalboro, Westfield, Waldoboro, Scarborough, Randolph, Gilead, St. John Plantation, Acton, CATHANCE TWP, Livermore, Mars Hill, Houlton, Penobscot, South Berwick, DVR FOXCROFT, Canaan, Isle Au Haut, Waterboro, CUMB FORESIDE, Skowhegan, Temple, Gorham, Readfield, Molunkus, Sangerville, Estcourt, Union, Augusta, Grand Lake Stream, Newagen, Bar Harbor, East Machias, West Paris, York, North Monmouth, OLD ORCHD BCH, Limestone, Turner, Wayne, Palermo, Harborside, Westport, Milford, Swans Island, Camden, Stratton, East Stoneham, Burlington, Blaine, Pleasant Point, Islesboro, Jonesboro, Topsham, Monroe, Mechanic Falls, Casco, Clifton, Whitefield, Durham, Benton, Searsmont, Coopers Mills, Newburgh, Wales, Greenwood, Manchester, Brighton, Caratunk, Mexico, Kenduskeag, Freeport, Lisbon Falls, Cherryfield, Upper Frenchville, Warren, Georgetown, Standish, Exeter, Rockport, Lewiston, St George, Nobleboro, Andover, Monson, Brewer, Shapleigh, Orrington, Montville, Hiram, Kennebunkport, Sanford, Dyer Brook, Eastport, Wallagrass, Leeds, Phippsburg, MATTAMISC TWP, St Albans, JIM POND TWP, Damariscotta, Hebron, Owls Head, Limington, SOLDIERTOWN TWP, Sumner, Vinalhaven, Winthrop, Chelsea, Corinna, Boothbay Harbor, GREENVLLE JCT, Porter, Cyr Plantation, Windsor, St Agatha, Robbinston, Clayton Lake, IS OF SPRINGS, Jay, Brownville, Bancroft, North Yarmouth, Solon, Bristol, Winn, Hallowell, Lebanon, Boothbay, Round Pond, Madison, Lyman, Northport, Bridgton, PLSNT RDG PLT, Madawaska, Westbrook, Lovell, Bowdoinham, Cutler, Aurora, Jonesport, Addison, Tenants Harbor, Gray, Winterport, Deer Isle, Kennebunk, Corinth, Smithfield, Pittsfield, BIDDEFORD PL, China, Passadumkeag, Easton, Washburn, Liberty, Albion, LONG A TWP, Merrill, Swanville, Friendship, Frenchboro, Long Island, Sorrento, Hancock, Unity, Berwick, Orland, Gouldsboro, Buxton, Otisfield, Brooks, Fort Fairfield, Blanchard, FRENCHTWN TWP, Wells, North Fryeburg, Hudson, Charleston, Township of Edmunds, Levant, Dresden, Garland, Cornish, Pownal, Sedgwick, Hanover, Plantation of Webster, Plantation of Sandy River, Machiasport, Benedicta, Farmingdale, Lambert Lake, Canton, Whiting, Greene, Blue Hill, Allagash, Indian Island, PARLIN PD TWP, Weld, Raymond, Saco, Burnham, Hermon, New Sharon, Minot, Brooklin, Vienna, North Berwick, Morrill, MOXIE GORE TWP, Steep Falls, Castine, Merepoint, Anson, Biddeford, HRSYTOWN TWP, Detroit, Stetson, Hollis, Baldwin, Newcastle, Hartford, Bass Harbor, Lamoine, Troy, Littleton, Ogunquit, New Vineyard, Yarmouth, Lisbon, Clinton, Chebeague Island, Belgrade, Etna, Wilton, Olamon, Stockton Springs, WNTERVLLE PLT, Sebago Lake, W BOOTHBAY HA, Ashland, Waterville, LINCOLNVL CTR, Bethel, Farmington, Gardiner, Ocean Park, Old Town, ADAMSTOWN TWP, BROWNVLLE JCT, Newfield, Fort Kent, Machias, North Jay, Shirley, Northeast Harbor, E PARSONFIELD, Sullivan

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