Netflix and Billboards
Netflix employs some ingenious uses of billboards. Similar to Spotify, their billboards do a great job of engaging audiences and expressing the corporation’s personality.
Netflix is considered a dominant player in the world of streaming services. Offering a selection of over 5,000 TV shows and movies, Netflix was one of the first companies to deliver a wealth of entertainment to the comfort of people’s homes.
No matter how large Netflix grows, they never forget the humble beginnings that they came from. Take a look at the billboard below.

To encourage traffic safety in a fun, unique and topical way, Netflix posted a billboard that directly references Squid Game, one of their biggest shows of the year.

When the COVID-19 pandemic spread across America, many productions had to shut down. Netflix created a billboard campaign to spotlight the out-of-work crew members and pay respect.
To go off this COVID-19 example, another billboard campaign was launched, but with a different focus and goal. Netflix had no part in the creation of the campaign below, but their brand plays an important element in the design.
At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans were instructed to stay home and away from large gatherings. Two students from the Miami Ad School in Germany were shocked by how some people were disregarding the rules of social distancing. Art director Seine Kongruangkit and copywriter Matithorn Prachuabmoh Chaimoungkalo (a.k.a Brave) collaborated on a series of billboards that were bold to say the least; billboards that displayed spoilers for major Netflix shows.
The goal was to keep people at home out of fear of getting their favorite shows spoiled. To prevent spoilers, the actual billboards will not be displayed on this page, but there’s a non-spoiler example below.

The target audience for these billboards were millennials and younger. In an interview with LadBible, Brave said, “There are people who are by nature forced to leave their house everyday, such as the daily workers and such. But for those who are the target of our communication piece, the millennials and younger generations, I think they lack the discipline of the older generations and feel more invincible because they are still so young.”
Whether or not you agree with their stance on the pandemic, many can agree that their use of billboards was clever and bold.