Using billboards for insurance companies is the best affordable method to advertise. Generally, billboards are cheaper than digital, radio, and even TV ads. According to the OAAA, billboards cost $3.38 – $8.65 per thousand impressions. Not only are billboards friendly on the wallet, but they also fit perfectly into your existing ad campaigns. Looking to purchase billboards for insurance companies? Let BillboardsIn create the perfect ad to lead your company forward.
Attracting new clients has never been easier than using billboards for insurance companies! Billboard advertising is an established, and affordable way for your company to attract people looking for all types of insurance! A large poster with the name, location, and/or the friendly faces of agents at your company can make an immediate impression to passerby. Travelers and commuters along major highways and busy urban centers will see your billboard and think of your company the next time they need insurance.
No matter your company's focuses, buying a billboard is the perfect, cost-effective way to reach and existing customers. You can place billboards for insurance companies in many locations, across major roadways, pathways, and city blocks. By using important data including audience age, gender, and income, you can find the perfect place to erect a new billboard.
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