Billboard ads are cheaper and more cost effective than other advertising formats. To reach 1,000 people online, it can cost up to $17.50 per thousand impressions, magazines can cost up to $21.00 per thousand, and spot broadcast or cable can cost $22.00 to $25.00 per thousand. At $3.38 to $8.65 per thousand impressions, billboards deliver the same audience at significantly lower cost. Not only are billboards wallet friendly, they also fit seamlessly into your existing ad campaign! Ready to buy billboards for newspapers? Allow BillboardsIn to help you draft the perfect billboard ad today.
Using billboards for newspapers is a well documented way to promote your newspaper. Billboards featuring your name are a fantastic way to expand your recognition among other newspapers. Having your billboard visible to commuters as they drive down the highway will allow your work to pop into their head the next time they are looking for something to read.
You can place billboards for newspapers almost anywhere you want. Placing an advertisement in a high traffic area will result in a very large audience reach. Technology can provide detailed demographic information, such as income, gender and even age for a large number of billboard locations, allowing billboards for newspapers to be placed in just the right spot.
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