
Billboards in Vermont

Vermont is the only New England state not bordered by the Atlantic Ocean. It is home to over 600,000 people and is known as the Green Mountain State. The bordering states are New Hampshire, New York and Massachusetts. The capital city is Montpelier but the largest city is Burlington, which has a population of 42,000 people. The major highways servicing the state are I-89, I-91, and I-93. Air travel is facilitated through airports like the Burlington National Airport. Notable universities in Vermont are Burlington College and The University of Vermont.
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The soonest your ad can be up is 4/14/2025 - 5/11/2025
Billboards typically need two weeks for production. We’ll show you what’s available on an interactive map.
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When would you like to advertise?
Experts recommend running ads for at least 8 weeks; the minimum is four. Billboard ads typically start on Mondays.
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Markets in Vermont

Burlington, Irasburg, Bennington, Whiting, Bridport, Calais, Rutland, Shoreham, Halifax, West Burke, Chelsea, Groton, Roxbury, White River Junction, Andover, South Hero, Sheffield, Hyde Park, North Chittenden, South Ryegate, Dorset, Newport Center, Jay, Bakersfield, Averill, Greensboro, MANCHESTR CTR, Pittsfield, Wells, Shrewsbury, Sharon, Chittenden, East Dover, CRAFTSBRY CMN, Vershire, Jamaica, East Ryegate, West Danville, Goshen, Post Mills, West Rupert, Canaan, Isle La Motte, Bristol, North Bennington, Marshfield, Norwich, East Dummerston, Essex Junction, Logan, SMUGLRS NTCH, Island Pond, West Pawlet, CLARENDN SPGS, Jacksonville, Florence, Ludlow, Woodbury, Sunderland, Readsboro, Pawlet, East Haven, East Dorset, Westfield, Barnet, Richford, Troy, Berlin, Tunbridge, Vergennes, Springfield, Weston, Thetford Center, Belmont, West Hartford, Rochester, Grand Isle, South Woodstock, Reading, Glover, Victory, Randolph Center, Braintree, East Montpelier, Hinesburg, West Fairlee, South Newfane, Orange, East Burke, Washington, West Charleston, Woodstock, Lemington, Eden, West Glover, St George, Castleton, Grafton, Concord, Wallingford, West Windsor, Pomfret, Norton, Bradford, MIDDLETWN SPG, Albany, Stockbridge, Waterville, Lyndon, Williamstown, North Hero, Lunenburg, Swanton, South Reading, BRIDGEWTR COR, Alburg, Underhill, Dummerston, East Randolph, West Topsham, Newfane, Sheldon, Cavendish, Cambridgeport, Charleston, Highgate Center, Bridgewater, Wells River, Weathersfield, Landgrove, Whitingham, Benson, Stowe, Windsor, Corinth, Charlotte, Belvidere, East Corinth, Westford, Fairlee, Warren, Vernon, Cambridge, Worcester, Plymouth, Mt Holly, Stamford, Starksboro, Newbury, Peru, Danville, Bomoseen, Townshend, Morgan, Taftsville, Moretown, Shaftsbury, Ferrisburgh, Strafford, Hancock, Town of Rockingham, Duxbury, East Fairfield, Hardwick, Waitsfield, Johnson, Wardsboro, Graniteville, Lyndonville, Waterbury Center, Riverton, Middlebury, Coventry, Georgia, South Royalton, Peacham, Cabot, Lowell, Orwell, South Burlington, Shelburne, Milton, Montgomery, Brookfield, Bellows Falls, Newport, GREENSBRO BND, Bethel, Ripton, BOLTON VALLEY, Morrisville, East Wallingford, Craftsbury, Winhall, West Dover, East Hardwick, North Clarendon, Fairfax, Marlboro, Killington, East Thetford, New Haven, Danby, East Barre, East Calais, Franklin, Guildhall, Enosburg Falls, Plainfield, Gaysville, Salisbury, Huntington, Proctor, South Londonderry, East Berkshire, North Pomfret, Granville, WEST ARLINGTN, Derby Line, Orleans, Sutton, Winooski, Westminster, North Ferrisburgh, Jericho, Waterford, Derby, Stratton, Poultney, Windham, Wolcott, Colchester, Pownal, Chester, St. Albans Town, Montpelier, Artesia, E ST JOHNSBRY, Brattleboro, Barnard, Waterbury Village Historic District, ST JHNSBRY CT, Thetford, NORTHFLD FLS, Barre, Granby, Manchester, Alor Setar, Essex, East Middlebury, Elmore, Hartford, Richmond, Rupert, WESTMNSTR STA, St Albans City, Forest Dale, Monkton

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